The garden giant or wine cap mushroom has a beautiful burgundy colored cap when young, and can grow to enormous sizes. This mushroom grows very well outdoors in veggie gardens and mushroom beds. All the wine cap mushroom needs is straw/sawdust, water, and time to produce an amazing amount of mushrooms. The wine cap mushroom can also be cultivated indoors, and will produce larger yields when cased with a pasteurized peat or compost soil layer.
-Masters Mix (50/50 hardwood sawdust & soybean hulls)
-Hardwood chips or sawdust
-Wheat straw
-Agricultural waste
Colonizing Temperature:
65 to 78 F
Fruiting Temperature:
60 to 70 F
Fruiting Humidity:
90 to 95%
Air Exchanges:
4 to 8 per hour
New, novel strains of mushrooms are created when starting from spores. You could discover the next popular strain of your favorite variety when growing mushrooms this way. Even better, spore prints are more resistant to extreme weather.
Each spore print order includes 2 prints on separate pieces of tinfoil, packaged in individual plastic bags. King stropharia prints are taken in sterile lab conditions, but note that spore prints are not guaranteed to be 100% sterile due to the nature of how mushrooms grow, and how prints are taken. We recommend adding spores to agar petri dish plates to isolate potential contaminates and the desired strain. We take every precaution to make the cleanest spore prints possible.