Hen of the Woods, also known as Maitake, is one of the best tasting gourmet mushrooms. It's truly a culinary delight! This culture was collected in MN from a large, perfect specimen growing at the base of an oak tree. We were successfully able to fruit this strain which is somewhat rare when collecting a new Hen of the Woods culture. Most don't fruit. Enjoy growing this wonderful mushroom, your taste buds will thank you!
Fruiting Substrates:
-Masters Mix (50/50 oak hardwood sawdust & soybean hulls)
-Oak sawdust & wheat bran @ 15% supplementation
Colonizing Temperature:
70 to 76 F
Fruiting Temperature:
50 to 68 F
Fruiting Humidity:
85 to 95%
Air Exchanges:
2 per hour